 One day, a big snow ball appeared in the air. The snow ball didn't move at all. Then scholars said, “The snow ball will thaw in three years.” And fire fighters fired fires against the snow ball, with their own fire belchers those are shaped like a fire extinguisher. Then El Selenita jumped off from a precipice, and shouted, “El Renacuajo!” And El Renacuajo came flying and passed below him. And El Selenita fell onto the bottom. And El Renacuajo came back and landed onto him. And El Selenita crawled out and got into El Renacuajo. And El Renacuajo took off. El Selenita shouted, “La Rana!” And El Renacuajo transformed into El Huevo, and combined with El Busto and Galvani. And La Rana got been completed. Then Cæsar said, “That big snow ball is Boreas. It seems to be out of order now. You may attack as you like.” And La Rana did cut Boreas into two exact halves, with the heat extendo.