銀のサークレットをつけた、鳶色の髪の少年 が大蛇に追われて逃げていた。少年の名はエル・セレニタ・デ・サン・アントニオ・ラ・サンタ・クルスといった。彼は十字路を通り過ぎた。その時、脇の道から、クマ並みに大きいナメクジが現れて、ヘビに襲いかかって食べてしまい、そして次にセレニタを追い始めた。セレニタは、それらには全く何も気づかずに逃げ続けた。そして隕石が大ナメクジの上に落ちた。そしてセレニタは、驚いて立ち止まると、不思議そうに振り返った。その時、ペチャンコに潰れた大ナメクジの上に、サッカーボール大の石があった。そして彼は石を拾うと修道院に行った。彼は古い修道院を家にして住んでいた。その修道院は、クリーム色の壁と、黄色い屋根で出来ていて、一つの隅に塔 があった。その塔は、上半分が八角柱で、下半分が四角柱で出来てて、四角柱と八角柱の繋ぎ目に、半分に切った四角錐の屋根が四つあり、八角柱の上には、一つの八角錐の屋根が乗っていた。そして八角柱の部分には、丸い窓が四つあった。数年前に母親が、セレニタに屋根の掃除を頼んだ時、セレニタは、天辺の屋根と四角柱の一部を赤いペンキで塗った。セレニタは、敷地内の畑に、石を隠すと、家に入った。

A boy with auburn hairs, wearing a silver circlette, who was being chased by a big snake, and was escaping. The boy's name was El Selenita De San Antonio La Santa Cruz. He went along a crossroads. Then a big slug as much as bear appeared from the side which he had gone along the crossroads just after that, and attacked at the snake, and ate. And the slug started to chase him next. Then El Selenita continued escaping without completely knowing those. And a meteorite fell onto the slug directly. And El Selenita got been surprised and stopped running and looked back, in wonder. Then a soccer ball sized stone existed on the big slug who had been destroyed flattly. And he picked up the stone, and went to a convent. He was living with an old closed convent as his house. The convent consists of cream colored walls and yellow roofs. And it has a tower in one cornar of its cornars. It consists of an octagonal prism that is the upper half part, and a square prism that is the lower half part. And the junction of the octagonal prism and the square prism has four roofs those are half cut square pyramids. And an octagonal pyramid exists on the top of the octagonal prism. And the octagonal prism has four circular windows. Few years ago, his mother had asked El Selenita for cleaning of the roofs when, he had painted a part of the square prism wall and the octagonal pryramid roof with red paint. And he hid the stone into the field of the garden, and entered into the convent.
