
「何じゃいそりゃあ!!!」 一人の少年が叫び、周りで笑い声が起こった。一九九九年七月の晦日、数人の少年達が部屋に集まっていた。彼らはミゲルと母親のマグダレーナ、そして友人のラサロとティモテオであった。彼らは懺悔をしていた。ミゲルは「ぼくは昔、悪魔の子供と仲良くなったんだ。その時、デブダルガパルという、変な動物がいたんだよ。デブダルガパルは平べったい岩みたいで、ヒキガエルみたいな格好で這うんだよ。それはひっくり返すと白くてツルツルしていて、それが水を吹き出した時に、悪魔の子供が泣き出したんだ。その時ランプの魔人が現われて、子供を抱き上げると撫でながら連れて行った」と言った。その時ラサロが「そのデブダルガパルって何だよ!」と言った。するとミゲルは「ぼくもデブダルガパルが何なのか分からないんだ。図鑑に載ってないんだ」と言った。するとマグダレーナが「アラビア語ヒキガエルじゃないかしら。ヒキガエルアラビア語でディフダ・アル・ガバルと言うのよ。近所に外国人が住んでたの憶えてる?」と言った。それからラサロが「お前が今言った事で思い出した。俺達ヒキガエルに小便かけたんだ」と言った。するとミゲルとティモテオもその事件を思い出した。ヒキガエルがいた時にラサロが「カエルの面に小便だ」と言った。そして彼らはヒキガエルを取り囲むと、ズボンのチャックを開いて、そして・・・。その時ミゲルとラサロとティモテオは大声で笑い始め、マグダレーナは驚き呆れた。それからティモテオが「勇気を持って告白する。俺達はネズミの幽霊を作ったんだ」と言った。そしてミゲルが「最初はネズミの墓を作ってたんだよ。それがいつの間にか、ネズミのお化けを作るに変わってたんだ!」と言った。ティモテオが「最初はミゲルが死んだネズミを見つけて墓を作ってたんだ。そして途中から俺達が手伝っていた」と言った。ラサロが「誰が『墓を作る』から『幽霊を作る』に変えたんだ!」と叫んだ。するとミゲルが「その時お前がゾンビや幽霊の話をしたからだ!」と叫んだ。するとラサロが「俺がゾンビとかを教えた時に、お前がお化けを作ろうと言ったんじゃないか!」と怒鳴った。そしてミゲルとラサロは口論を始め、残りの者達は腹を抱えて笑った。そしてミゲルとラサロも笑い出した。ラサロが「申し上げます。ティモテオが蜂の巣に火をつけて、蜂の群に刺されました」と言った。するとティモテオが「ミゲルが蜂に刺されたからだ!」と叫んだ。すると他の者達が大笑いした。ミゲルは「ぼくはモグラの穴を水浸しにした」と言った。ラサロは「俺は犬を泳がせようとしたが、その時犬が逃げて家に帰った」と言った。ミゲルは「猫のモイセスを風呂に入れた時に、引っ掻かれた」と言った。するとラサロが「その時風呂の水が二か所に分かれたか」と言うと、ミゲルは「いや、水は分かれなかったよ」と言った。彼はモイセスという名の猫を飼っていた。それは太った青い猫で、青い目を持っていた。彼は子猫だった時に、他の六匹の子猫と一緒に、段ボール箱に入って流れて来たので、スペイン語モーセにちなんでモイセスと名付けられた。ミゲルが川で彼らを見つけた時、二匹はすでに溺れ死んでいて、四匹の子猫も次々に死んだ。そして彼一匹だけが生き残って大きくなった。それは三年ほど前の出来事だった。


 それから後ろを振り向いた。すると凄まじい形相のマグダレーナがいた。ミゲルは慌てて走り始め、マグダレーナが後を追った。ティモテオが「犬が木からぶら下がっている毛虫を見ていたんで、その毛虫を犬にあげた。俺がそれを取って犬に見せたら、犬がそれを食べたんだ」と言った。その時天井から、テーブルの上に板が落ちた。それからミゲルがテーブルの上に着地すると、床に跳び降りて逃げた。そしてマグダレーナもテーブルの上に落ちて来て、床に跳び降りるとミゲルを追った。ティモテオは「俺は犬に靴を持って行かれた事がある」と言った。するとラサロが「仕返しに犬の足を持って来た事はあるのか」と言った。ティモテオは「そんな事出来るか! 俺はその犬を捕まえて下駄箱に閉じ込めた」と言った。その時ラサロの椅子が揺れたので、彼は「地震だ!」叫んだ。それから揺れが収まった。それからミゲルとマグダレーナが息を切らして戻って来て椅子に座った。ミゲルはラサロに掴みかかって「何でここに座ってるんだ!」と怒鳴った。マグダレーナが「ミゲルは小さい頃から死んだ動物のお墓を作るのが好きだったの。家の庭には沢山のお墓があるわ」と言った。それから、時計が十二時を打った。そしてミゲルが勢い良くカレンダーを破った。それから他の者達がクラッカーを鳴らして「世界は終わらなかった!」と言った。そして全員で歓声をあげた。


 ラサロは「彼はユリウス暦グレゴリオ暦に変えた人ですか」と尋ねた。牧師は「いや、違う。それはグレゴリウス十三世だ。彼は千五百八十二年十月四日の翌日を十月十五日にして、百で割れる年は平年だが、四百で割れる年は閏年と決めた」と答えた。ラサロは「それではノストラダムスはいつ頃生きていましたか」と尋ねた。牧師は「彼は千五百三年に産まれて千五百六十六年に死んだ」と答えた。するとミゲル達は互いに顔を見合わせた。そしてミゲルは「もし改暦しなかったら、七月はいつまでですか」と尋ねた。牧師は八月十三日までだ」と答えた。するとミゲルは「ノストラダムスは偉大な予言者だ。改暦も知ってたに違いない」と言った。するとラサロが「お気楽な野郎だぜ!」と言った。ティモテオが「たったの十三日じゃないか」と言った。ミゲルは「そうだ! たった十三日だから、その日を乗り越えればいいんだ!」と言った。そして彼らはスクラムを組んで「そうだ! 乗り越えようぜ!」と言った。
In the year 1999 and 7 months,
From the skies shall come an alarmingly powerful king,
To raise again the great King of the Jacquerie,
Before and after, Mars shall reign at well.
(Century X. 72 by Nostradamus)
Hingis and Dokic and a pigeon,
Nostra Ramos will send a great King flying with a kick.

“What is it!?” A boy shouted. And laughters happened at the surroundings. On the last day of July in the year 1999, Some boys had gathered into a room. They were Miguel and his mother Magdalena, and his friends Lázaro and Timoteo. They were making a confession. Miguel said, “In my childhood, I made friends with a son of devil. Then a queer crawler that was called debdalgapal, existed on there. Debdalgapal resembled a flat rock, and was crawling like a toad. And it got been overturned when, it was white and smooth. And it spouted out water when, the son of devil began weeping. Then a jin of lamp appeared, and took up him in his arms, and caressed him while taking him along.” Then Lázaro said, “What is that debdalgapal?” And Miguel said, “I can't tell as to debdalgapal too. It isn't given in an animal guide.” And Magdalena said, “May it possibly be a toad in Arabic? Difda al Gabal is toad in Arabic. A foreigner was living in the neighborhood. Do you remember?” And Lázaro said, “Now you come to mention it, I remember pouring we piss onto a toad.” Then Miguel and Timoteo recalled a happening too. A toad appeared when, Lázaro said, “Let's piss onto the toad's face.” , and they enclosed the toad, and zipped their own pants opene, and..... And Miguel and Lázaro and Timoteo began laughing uproariously. Then Magdalena got been amazed. And Timoteo said, “We made a ghost of a mouse, I dare say” And Miguel said, “In the first it was that We raise a tomb of a mouse. But it turned into that We make a ghost of a mouse, without our knowledge!” Timoteo said, “In the first, Miguel had found a dead mouse, and was raising a tomb. And we helped from halfway.” Lázaro shouted, “Who turned from ‘Rais a tomb’ into ‘Make a ghost’?” Then Miguel shouted, “Because then you told about a zombi and a ghost!” And Lázaro shouted, “I teached you zombis when, you said that Let's make a ghost!” And Miguel and Lázaro started a quarrel. And the others held their own sides with laughter. And Miguel and Lázaro did burst out laughing too. Lázaro said, “Timoteo did set fire to a honey comb, and got been stung by swarm of bees, I dare say.” Then Timoteo shouted, “Because Miguel got been stung by a bee!” And the others gave forced laugh. Miguel said, “I submerged a mole's tunnel.” Lázaro said, “I tried to make a dog swim. Then the dog escaped and went home.” Miguel said, “I made Moisés the cat take a bath when, I got been clawed by him.” Then Lázaro said, “Did water get been divided in the bath into two sections at that time?” Miguel said, “No! Water didn't get been divided into two sections!” He fed a cat who was Moisés. He was a fat blue cat, and had blue eyes. He had existed in a corrugated carton that had come floating down with other six cats, in the kittenhood, therefore he had gotten been named after Moses in Spanish. Miguel found them in a river when, two cats had been drowned already. And four cats died in rapid succession too. And he was the only one survived, and grew up. It had happened about three years ago.

Then the buzzer sounded. And Magdalena went out there, and went to the entrance. Then Miguel started talking, “Moisés got ill when, I thought that If he ate a lively game then he will get over his illness, therefor I caught a mouse so as to I feed him. But I came back when, Moisés had been missing already. And then other receptacles were gone, therefore I hid the mouse into a kettle. And mama opened it without knowing, and got been surprised and threw the kettle and all from the window.” And he looked back. Then Magdalena with a fierce look existed on there. And Miguel broke into a run. And Magdalena ran after him. Timoteo said, “A dog was watching a hunged hairy caterpillar, therefore I gave the dog the hairy caterpillar. I took it, and showed the dog. And the dog ate it.” Then a board fell onto their table from the ceiling. And Miguel landed onto the table, and jumped down onto the floor, and escaped. And Magdalena fell onto the table from the ceiling too, and jumped onto the floor, and ran after him. Timoteo said, “I've ever been taken my shoes away by a dog.” And Lázaro said, “Have you taken the dog's paw back in revenge?” And Timoteo shouted, “Oh No! I can't it! I cought the dog, and did shut into a shoe cupboard!” Then Lázaro's chair got been tossed. And he shouted, “Wow! An earth quake!” And the tossing stopped. And Miguel and Magdalena came and sat down onto their own chairs of breath. And Miguel caught at Lázaro, and shouted, “Why do you sit on!?” Magdalena said, “Even as a child Miguel was fond take dead animals, and raise tombs. Many tombs exist on my garden.” Then the clock struck twelve. And Miguel broke a calendar with great force. And they sounded crackers, and shouted, “The world doesn't get ended!” And all members gave cheers.

At the next morning, the first day of August 1999, they went to a church. Then a clergyman tald, “One day Gregory I looked handsome men who were sold into slavery. And he asked to a merchant. And the merchant answered that They are Anglī(English men). They are heathens. And Gregory I said that Although they resemble Angelī(Angels), they must goto hell. I must goto England and propagate them. And he went to the Pope Pelagius II so as to he asks permission from him....” Lázaro asked, “Did he correct the calendar from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar too?” The clergyman answered, “No, he didn't. Who did it, Gregory XIII. He made the next day of the fourth day of October 1582 to the fifteenth day of October, and corrected centuple years are common years, but quatercentuple years are leap years.” Lázaro asked, “Then did Nostradamus live at about what time?” The clergyman answered, “He got been born in 1503, and died in 1566.” Then Miguel and others exchanged glances. And Miguel asked, “Then if he didn't correct the calendar, Is July till when?” The clergyman answered, “It is till the thirteenth day of August.” Then Miguel said, “Nostradamus is a great prophet. He knows the calendar correcting too surely.” Lázaro said, “You are comfortable!” Timoteo said, “The term is only for thirteen days.” Miguel said too, “Yes! It is only for thirteen days! We have only to get over again till that time!” And they said in scrum, “Oh yes! Let's get over!”
