 One day, a smoke giant appeared. Its name was Jinni. Then El Selenita jumped off from a precipice, and shouted, “Shorguf!” And Shorguf came flying and went past under him. And El Selenita's clothes got been caught in Shorguf's tail. And he crept into the cockpit of Shorguf. And Shorguf arrived at there when, it transformed into Shorguf Duargol, and descended, and stopped on the ground, and transformed into Difda. Difda tried attack Jinni. But it wasn't able to give damages entirely, because Jinni was smoke. Then Cæsar said, “It is smoke!” And Difda turned backward, and transformed into Difda Dodanab, and took off. Then it emitted a jet from its tail. And Jinni got been blown off.